I love monkey’s

Yesterday there were waves and waves of monkey’s that came through the ashram. It started at breakfast when we saw one eating banana peels out of the cafeteria trash. After lunch there was a huge group in the trees, and on the hills and stairs above the cafeteria – we watched them and giggled at their antics while they also watched us. We got a good laugh wondering what they think about us weirdo’s with our phones out. As we were in our Anatomy & Physiology class group after group came down the mountain, ran through the ashram (jumping and swinging). The staff had out slingshots trying to scare them away and made a lot of noise and big motions – obviously they know something we don’t, because we all just think they are cute. They ran over the roof of the building endlessly during my first Ayurvedic treatment and during our evening asana – at one point the teacher had to check that all the windows were closed because they were coming right up to the windows.

Today one pushed the cafeteria door open during breakfast and tried to enter. This afternoon a few of us were sitting on the patio outside the cafe overlooking the mountains, and a group came up and got really close – they might have smelled the dark chocolate we were sharing.

There is a dog here each afternoon that accompanies the village children back from school, our teacher informed us the dog is the guard of the children. It was not amused that the monkey’s were so close to us and to the kids playing ball in the grass nearby – it was on high alert until they cleared the area.

I am trying to soak up all the monkey antics, I can’t imagine living where monkey’s are just part of your daily life!!

I had my first Shirodarah treatment. It was an hour of hot medicated oil being poured in a stream over. your forehead with the intention of calming the mind and soothing the nervous system. It was amazing and afterwards they massage your scalp, neck, shoulders and back. I got to wear a blue shower cap around after – you are instructed to keep your head and body covered for 2 hours and not to shower for at least that long. So I sported this sweet look to observe our evening asana and meditation. I will be doing a few more of these before I leave.

Several members of my class took a vow of silence today, I joined them for the first half of the day.

Busy learning lots and lots of adjustments and assist in Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended hand to big toe pose) – this is an example of one assist in the supine version of the position.

I am settling in and feel more like myself – the practice is hard, the classes are covering lots of material, the discipline expected is high – but I am enjoying it. I’m already thinking of the things I will be happy to have once I get home (my bed, a washer and dryer, a chair to sit in while eating and working and a shower with more than enough hot water) and the things I will miss when I get home.

Pups are good. Baby videos make me smile. Life is good.


3 thoughts on “I love monkey’s

  1. Julie Farmer

    I love reading every post and the fact that you are taking us along this beautiful journey with you!!

  2. Julieta Roe

    Officially enrolling in the course you will offer when you come back ( πŸ₯°πŸ˜„πŸ˜†). Go monkeys !

  3. Bree C

    πŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’ž love it all! It’s so incredible to get to see & read about this journey!! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜ŠπŸ’

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