A week from today…

One week from today, I will be home… I am beyond excited to get home and meet my Granddaughter (she will be 1 month old!), hug my people and be with my dogs. I am also acutely aware of how much I will miss this place – the program, the people, the beauty, the peace and quiet, the discipline. The view in the morning as the fog fills the air and the sky starts to lighten, the chill in the air, the quiet and a trust cup of hot tea.

An atypically clear day

The things I miss most are simple and that in and of itself is a lesson. I yearn for a washing machine, a chair to sit in and my bed. The only food item I am craving is some coconut yogurt with gluten free granola.

Our teachers pet monkey joined us in anatomy and physiology earlier this week

The last several days of asana have included forearm stand, handstand, a drop back to wheel (those are the ones I have tried or been supported into trying by my teacher and/or classmates) – there have been many more that are beyond my current skill that I eagerly watched and cheered for my classmate’s nailing. I can now align and adjust someone in pincha, moving from crow or crane into a handstand and back, and more. My physical practice has changed a lot – things that were do-able before now seem impossible and vice versa. I can’t do a crow to save my life at the moment but heck if I didn’t do a teacher assisted drop back to wheel followed by a supported wheel in tonights practice. The last two nights we have done a Mysore practice of Sun Salutation A, Sun Salutation B and the Ashtanga Primary Series – this is where you take the practice and perform it at your own pace tuning into your own rhythm and capabilities. There is no music. There is a classroom full of people. And you do your own thing, all alone with your breath body and mind.

This was reshared by our instructor after our first Mysore practice – we fogged up every window.

We are now to the point where things are being counted down – 3 more asana practices before our final off day, what day do I need to do my last load of laundry (or send one to be done) to guarantee it will be dry (it’s so humid here that laundry takes days to dry, and as we are getting cooler we can’t depend on the afternoon sun to help it along), etc… It’s exciting and bittersweet at the same time. Our final assessment topics and assignments have been defined and work is underway.

Perfection! Her Grandma has so many stories to tell her.
Can’t wait to snuggle these two!
Visited Patna Waterfall a short hike from our Ashram and it was gorgeous

I waited for a long time to take a trip like this, for a variety of reasons. I spent the first few weeks upset with myself that it took this long, I have let that go (I know it wasn’t helpful). This journey has created a desire for more – more exploration and adventure, more trying new things, more self-discovery, more doing it solo. My wish for each of you is to do something you have only dreamed of – something you feel like you’re too old or young for, not in shape for, and maybe even a little scared of (there was a lot of fear that preceded this for me).


4 thoughts on “A week from today…

  1. Elsea Duquette

    Sis thank you so much for sharing your journey thru your words and pictures with us. We can’t wait until we can give you a hug and looking forward too you sharing all your stories with us. Believe me when I say I will be watching my find my people app next week to see when you are 177 miles from us instead of 7,753. We love you so much and very proud to call you our daughter! XOXO

  2. Tricia Tayrien

    What an incredible opportunity.
    Thank you for sharing this with us. Im so happy for you Carly.
    Sat Nam

  3. Jeanna

    It’s all so incredible and I’m so happy for you that you were able to make it happen. I can’t wait to hear more when you are back. Enjoy your remaining time!! 😘

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