Week two is underway

After an amazing day off, it was back to work! My body was tired and angry which has me thinking about how I will spend my next day off – the daily routine of movement, mindfulness and three yogic diet (a vegetarian diet that focuses on eating fresh, pure, and light foods to promote clarity, calmness, and detoxification) meals (+vegan and gluten free for me) are obviously having an effect and my body wasn’t happy it had to miss a day.

Time for more laundry!

Our asana practice continues to be challenging – two 90 minute sessions daily. While the practice itself is challenging – think looooong holds – the cueing and alignment/adjustments are beyond helpful. There are also poses I am unable to do or know I don’t do well that we are working on – plow and shoulder stand were yesterday and tonight it was working on core (think endless planks and plank variations) with a progression to the “jump” from downward dog to forward fold (this is a move I dream of doing). I was not having much luck and the teacher came over and helped to support and guide me into the proper hip lift and back/shoulder angle so I could feel it multiple times. While I am learning and refining so many things, I am also building a list of things to dive deeper into and work on building at home (bramcharyasana and “jump” to forward fold as examples).

More outdoor classes

Today during lunch two remarkable things occurred…. We heard a loud noise and lots of what sounded like “running” across the roof of the cafeteria – shortly we saw the monkeys peeking in the windows! One was waiting for us when we came out to wash our dishes after dinner! Also we had a fruit dish for the second time, when I saw it I groaned…. We had been served it a few days ago and I ate it, but had to fight the urge to gag – I was hungry so I forced it down. Today I was trying to figure out how to do it again, and one of the women who sits near me asked what the sauce on the fruit was….. Ketchup!! I’m going to have to hard pass on that, those are two items I am not a fan of combined!!

Monkey supervisor of the dishwashing
Fruit with ketchup

Each evening, after our 90 minute asana and before dinner, we have a 30 minute focus and meditation session. The last two nights we have done a japa mediation – this is where you repeat a word or phrase (mantra) to create the meditative state. Last night was “so hum” (I am that), our entire 300 hour class of 27 people repeated these words, with a breath in between, for 20ish minutes – it was beautiful. I got a severe headache during the meditation which gradually eased after. Tonight was A-U-M (pronounced as Om). I was fully present physically for the duration of the meditation (tonight’s was 45 minutes total) but my awareness was elsewhere. It was the best meditation experience I have had here, and I look forward to what is ahead.

Tomorrow is my first Ayurvedic treatment as directed by the doctor – Shirodhara. It is the process of dripping medicated oil in a continuous and constant stream over the forehead. The goal is to calm and relax the mind. It’s an hour long appointment and I am to have three while I am here. I will report back!


1 thought on “Week two is underway

  1. Julieta Roe

    Love reading your experience and why not to say ( laughing ), I feel you … or you feel me… when I struggle in your classes. I am being prepotent here but will not delete ( more laughs )
    And learning deeper the lesson that it takes a lot to re-route, to adapt, to embrace the new ( well … those feelings I had when I moved to US many years ago ). Believe me … I kinda know how you feel … loving to be in your experience and may your layers fall to make the new ones to shine . Love you

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