Preparing for the journey…

House of Om in Rishikesh India

I am days away from leaving for my 5 week trip to India! It has felt so far away that it now feels surreal to be this close.


I am very lucky to be eligible for up to a 6 week sabbatical from work every 5 years. So I am taking a full SIX weeks off work!! Five years ago I elected not to take my sabbatical for a variety of reasons, I had a dream of what I wanted it to be, but I wasn’t at a point in my life where that was possible and so instead of taking the time I let the opportunity pass by. Jump to fall of 2023 and it is time to apply for a sabbatical if I wish to take one (or wait another 5 years) and so I applied all while thinking my dream but was just that. I originally planned to go in March of 2024, but decided to delay it to later in the year. So this has been a year in the making!!


11 years ago I saw a co-worker go on what looked like a magical trip to Bali with other professionals on leave where they traveled and experienced many life changing things. This was my inspiration. Since that time I have completed my 200 hour yoga teacher certification so as I thought about this window of time I wanted to find a way to build on that. So now I find myself on the precipice of a 5 week journey to India (a location that has been on my travel dream list for most of my adult life) where I will complete 300 hours of yoga teacher training to become a 500 hour yoga teacher.


Does life feel like this is the right time to go? No. Do I have doubts and worries? Yes. Oh, did I tell you I decided 3 weeks ago to buy a house unplanned? That’s a story for a different day, but it helps to express that this all feels like a lot and I could make a million excuses to not go and to stay home and play it safe as I have for so much of my life.


In the three days before I leave I will be finalizing getting my current home ready to sell, squeezing in a few quick catch up’s with friends, teaching two more classes, getting a lot of dog snuggles, finding quality time with Jay (my son!) and packing (oh yes, the packing – I am working hard not to pack Monday morning as I roll out the door!!).


Below is what my day’s will look like in the ashram where I will be living during this time. We have class 6 days/week and on Sunday’s we have the opportunity to explore.

05:30 am Wake Up

06:00 am Shatkarma

06:15 am Mantra Chanting 

06:30 am Yoga Asana 

07:30 am Pranayama

09:00 am Breakfast

11:00 am Anatomy and Physiology

12:00 pm Alignment and Adjustment

01:30 pm Lunch

02:30 pm Self study (Library and Assignment)

03:45 pm Yoga Philosophy

05:00 pm Yoga Asana

06:45 pm Meditation

07:30 pm Dinner

10:00 pm Lights Off

I look forward to sharing this journey with you!

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